Bill Meyer Show Podcast - Sponsored by Clouser Drilling

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Listen to the Bill Meyer Show, weekdays 6am-9am.  With National news from Fox News Radio, and local news from NBC 5.

The Bill Meyer Show 6am-9am

Join Bill Meyer each weekday for LIVE Local Talk on southern Oregon's KMED FM 106.3, 106.3 HD1, 106.7 FM in S. Jackson County, 105.9 in Grants Pass and 99.3 KBXG in Grants Pass and Josephine County. Streamed on

Download 03-27-25_THURSDAY _8AM  03-27-2025 (20.84 MB)

Duration: 40:41 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 71.581581083756 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-27-25_THURSDAY _8AM

  • Tom Giovanni, president of Institute for Policy Innovation, and he thinks that the Oregon push for higher road taxes from the folks needs to go in a totally different direction, and we talk about that and there are open phones on Conspiracy T Thursday


Download 03-27-25_THURSDAY _7AM  03-27-2025 (19.87 MB)

Duration: 42:04 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 66.037853094918 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-27-25_THURSDAY _7AM

  • Open phones start the hour and then an update from Kevin Starrett at Oregon Firearms, sure, more anti gun bills being heard, and the question is will the Republicans use the Nuke option to protect your rights.


Download 03-27-25_THURSDAY _6AM  03-27-2025 (23.3 MB)

Duration: 47:46 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 68.182064110334 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-27-25_THURSDAY _6AM

  • Some news headlines, super survivalist EJ Snyder (Naked and Afraid show) is on talking about his latest Emergency Home prep book. Disney Snow White not just woke but bad. Great talk with filmmaker Greg Rabidoux from S. Carolina, interesting take on it.


Download 03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _8AM  03-26-2025 (19.21 MB)

Duration: 35:52 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 74.860574180393 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _8AM

  • Mark Hutto from J. Austin and Company talks about the direction of gold and silver markets. Big boys are buying, small fry are selling...what does it all mean? Open phones and more follow.


Download 03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _7AM  03-26-2025 (22.64 MB)

Duration: 44:19 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 71.442581602374 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _7AM

  • Mark Mix from the Right to Work Network, we talk judges smacking down the governor and her union labor plan, also how much of the dem oppo is rent a mob? Open phones follow


Download 03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _6AM  03-26-2025 (24.67 MB)

Duration: 45:54 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 75.132823037705 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ

03-26-25_WEDNESDAY _6AM

  • Catching up on the morning news then a great talk with Eric Peters at EP Autos, Audi review, the next Musk grift and much more.


Download 03-25-25_TUESDAY_8AM  03-25-2025 (21.78 MB)

Duration: 38:59 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 78.118338117684 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Researcher Diana Anderson, author of WHO MADE AMERICAN SCHOOLS MARXIST TRAINING CENTERS. We discuss more of the sustainable development threat, the affordable housing on school property is part of it. Open for business and open phones follow.


Download 03-24-25_MONDAY_7AM  03-25-2025 (28.86 MB)

Duration: 55:54 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 72.187560318505 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Mariah Rossi – Running for 3 Rivers School District and also got the raunchy book thing going that Rep. Yunker read on the House floor. Former state Senator Baertschiger talks about who REALLY pays for health care.


Download 03-25-25_TUESDAY_6AM  03-25-2025 (24.41 MB)

Duration: 46:15 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 73.803565746241 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Morning news, the Trump Signal app scandal...own it and keep it from happening again I say. Other news and opinion for Pebble in Your Shoe Tuesday.


Download 03-24-25_MONDAY_8AM  03-24-2025 (19.23 MB)

Duration: 38:08 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 70.487266499201 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Dr. Dennis Powers with the latest Where Past Meets Present, history and founding of Gold Hill, and then onto the Triump legal news...we could almost nickname it SEE YU IN COURT.


Download 03-24-25_MONDAY_7AM  03-24-2025 (28.86 MB)

Duration: 55:54 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 72.187560318505 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Dr. John Lott Jr breaks down the latest 2nd A outrages, both in Oregon and elsewhere - Concealed carry better than police?? Yep. Sarah Parshall Perry, VP and Legal Fellow at Parents Defending Education - reports on the demise of woke, but it not dead.


Download 03-24-25_MONDAY_6AM  03-24-2025 (28.38 MB)

Duration: 53:43 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 73.865628115098 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Morning news, the state wants to double down on getting kids to read...reading science...hmmm. Scott Walter joins from Captial Research Center - Dem money machine is under stress, influence watch and other transparency work they are doing. important!


Download 03-21-25_FRIDAY_8AM  03-21-2025 (21.1 MB)

Duration: 39:41 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 74.335874210076 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Rogue Credit Union is getting larger, absorbing a N. California CU, and Matt Stephenson, CEO of Rogue CU digs into the details, open phones, emails, D62 quiz wrap the hour.


Download 03-21-25_FRIDAY_7AM  03-21-2025 (26.04 MB)

Duration: 44:01 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 82.723203819025 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Outdoor report is on with Greg Roberts from Rogue Weather dot com, Congressman Bentz in studio talking the executive orders, the spending, can we rein in activists judges and a lot more.


Download 03-21-25_FRIDAY_6AM  03-21-2025 (25.03 MB)

Duration: 46:27 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 75.309671354133 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • News headlines of the day, kind of a mental illnes report for the state, really. State Senator Noah Robinson joins me later in the hour to discuss dangerous bills, any chance GOP might walk out and actually defend the folks?


Download 03-20-25_THURSDAY_8AM  03-20-2025 (22.24 MB)

Duration: 41:58 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 74.075631808279 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Great talk with Kristen Roberts, Intellectual Property Attorney and founder of Trestle Law Firm in San Diego, CA. What happens with AI scraping websites and making news from some other reporters work? Open phones and more follow.


Download 03-20-25_THURSDAY_7AM  03-20-2025 (23.19 MB)

Duration: 46:42 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 69.410236670116 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Dr. John G. West discusses STOCKHOLM SYNDROME CHRISTIANITY: Why Americas Christian Leaders Are Failing - and What We Can Do About It. Journalist and Author JACK CASHILL talks George Floyd and J6 conspiracies and why that still matters.


Download 03-20-25_THURSDAY_6AM  03-20-2025 (23.36 MB)

Duration: 44:34 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 73.256906696263 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • News and Open phones for Conspiracy Theory Thursday, including your calls on President Trump, should he defy courts on some of these challenges?


Download 03-19-25_WEDNESDAY_OPEN4BIZ_8AM  03-19-2025 (6.08 MB)

Duration: 10:10 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 83.599534508973 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Ryan Westfall from Max Energy Solar Cleaning is on OPEN FOR BUSINESS. Yep, keeping the solar celss at peak efficiency means you must keep them clean. Ryan tells us all about it.


Download 03-19-25_WEDNESDAY_8AM  03-19-2025 (14.4 MB)

Duration: 26:48 m - Filetype: mp3 - Bitrate: 75.101921546333 KBPS - Frequency: 44100 HZ


  • Melissa Henson, VP of Parents Television is all over reducing distrctions in school classroom. Put out a white paper on restricting cellphones in the classroom. This trend has pretty deep bipartisan support and works. Open phones follow.
